A Gate to Nazareth


11 X 14 Chalk on Mix Media paper. Friends of mine took a trip to the promise land and shared a picture I fell in love with. There is so much detail that I had to leave out some of the electrical wires. But as a friend, Barbara Rodgers says, “Sometimes more is less.”

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11 X 14 Chalk on Mix Media paper. Friends of mine took a trip to the promise land and shared a picture I fell in love with. There is so much detail that I had to leave out some of the electrical wires. But as a friend, Barbara Rodgers says, “Sometimes more is less.”

11 X 14 Chalk on Mix Media paper. Friends of mine took a trip to the promise land and shared a picture I fell in love with. There is so much detail that I had to leave out some of the electrical wires. But as a friend, Barbara Rodgers says, “Sometimes more is less.”